Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Emotion & Addiction

We all know eating can be both Emotional & Addicting. 

Let's ponder for a moment...

While we ponder, notice how you feel. What thoughts come into your mind. Write them down. See what revelations and truth you are getting for yourself. Because this is about YOU. I am not here to tell anyone what to do. Let the Spirit be the guide. :) 

We know that education and information is wisdom. When we put that wisdom into action-our lives can change and our bodies can heal. 

There are multiple reasons and ties that can be connected to us emotionally with the choices we make, including what we put in our mouth. Both positive and not. 

So let's put on our detective hats and find the reasons why we do the things we do, so that action can come forth and change can begin. And may I suggest, start with a prayer and turn to the Lord in ALL things.

And remember, all things that are good and feel accordingly come from God. 

Do we have fond memories around the dinner table eating with our families? 
Or not? And if not, can we forgive and let it go? Imagine if the Savior took your hand and said, "I got this".

What is our favorite food, and why? Do we have a memory that ties us to that food? 

What draws us to eat the foods that we do? And how do we feel after we eat them? 

What have we been taught or learned about food, eating, health? From what source did we learn them?

What beliefs have been established? Do they feel good and come from God? 

What thoughts go through our head when we eat? What are we telling ourselves as we eat?

Other questions...let the Spirit help us ask and teach.

Let us be aware that when we feel guilt or shame, someone might be trying to stop us from making the right choices. Go on!!! Make those right choices, we can do it! BECAUSE our Savior is more powerful than any problem and with His help, we can do anything!!

The recent Ensign magazine published an article that addresses this topic-Emotion & Addiction. It also goes through steps for healing and managing negative emotions. 

I love this quote from the article, (it makes us aware of the reality of 'there is more to this')

The Lord revealed, “In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation” (D&C 89:4). Multi-billion-dollar industries seek to entice us to use foods for purposes and in quantities that are unhealthy. Counter to what many corporations want, the Lord counsels us to use certain substances with “prudence” and “sparingly” (D&C 89:11, 12). 

We need to fight on all corners. The adversary is in our food source-opposition in ALL things. But no worries, because our Savior is more powerful than Satan's power. And He has given us the tools and guidance to help us stay safe and keep us clean-even in what we eat. 

What does the Lord want you to know? 


1 comment:

  1. I really like the points you bring up. I'm trying to figure out a food plan that feels right for me...but I've been looking at it from purely a nutritional standpoint. I will start to recognize how I feel as I consider different foods, how the Holy Ghost is leading me. Thank you! I look forward to your cookbook! Loves back! Aly Collotzi
